Are Deals On Terms legal?

Not a frequent question, but a baffling one that we occasionally receive, despite our decade of experience in real estate as Proxima Investors and our esteemed A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, concerns the legality of our deals on terms.

In general, deals on terms are entirely legal across all states, provided they comply with applicable rules and regulations at all levels of government.

However, it is important to note that certain jurisdictions may impose specific requirements that must be met. A prime example is Texas, where unique regulations regarding lease-options have been established in response to abuses by unscrupulous real estate investors and professionals. These regulations aim to enhance transparency and protect buyers from exploitation, including mandates for disclosing any underlying debt.

Aside from these specific instances, arrangements such as lease-options, seller financing, and other deals on terms remain legal unless explicitly prohibited, just like any other conventional transaction. In our view, such prohibitions are unlikely to emerge in the near future.

It is essential to understand that despite the varied terminology used for marketing purposes, these deals typically fall within well-defined categories recognized and regulated by law—such as rentals, sales, and options—rendering them completely legal transactions.

The financing aspect present in certain deals on terms, such as seller financing, may be subject to specific regulations similar to those governing institutional lenders. The rules applicable to small lenders and home sellers who finance a purchase in a one-time transaction or for a limited number of properties are quite limited. These regulations are primarily designed to protect end buyers from unscrupulous practices while ensuring that the implementation of such financing methods is not unduly restricted. This approach supports and facilitates homeownership, which is a fundamental component of the American Dream and a significant objective for many individuals across the nation.

Tags: american dream, banks, creative financing, deals on terms, home owners, home sellers, homeownership, institutional lenders, lease-options, legality, local rules and regulations, owner financing, private lenders, purchase and sale, real estate financing, real estate law, real estate operators, real estate practices, rentals, seller financing, Texas Lease-Options