The process is streamlined and with reduced or no contingencies, many parties that would be involved in a conventional deal are not or not so involved in a deal on terms. In many cases we even shared the same thrid party professional, i.e. a real estate attorney, but that should only be done if there’s a sufficient level of comfort and trust, assuming it’s legal in the state of the deal first of all. In any case, we are often not represented by brokers, if we are, we often pay the broker’s fee in full or in part, and we often don’t require a listing agent. These deals are also easier to set up and finalize, saving time and effort for third parties as well, but only if the parties have specific experience. If they don’t, the lack of familiarity can easily derail any deal, as the level of comfort may lack with that of knowledge, it could cause an erroneous assessment of risk and reward and a generally inaccurate perception of the transaction. Whether it’sa lawyer or a broker, an inspector or an appraiser, a CPA or a mortgage broker, always make sure you put the effort in finding a professional who is familiar with deals on terms because it’s an effort that will pay off. If you fall short and resort to someone without specific competence, the deal will likely fall through, as decades of experience confirm, you will likely miss out on the deal.